2,442. Why Is the Nullification 60 Times the Volume?

Maachalos Assuros 15:20

Unlike the scenario in the previous halacha, if the egg of a non-kosher bird was boiled with the eggs of kosher birds, it doesn’t render them prohibited. If the eggs were mixed together or if the egg of a non-kosher bird or of a treifa got mixed with other eggs, then the volume necessary to nullify it is 60 times.

Maachalos Assuros 15:21

The Sages set the volume to nullify at 60 based on the portion given to the kohein from the ram of a nazir. This is the foreleg, which is 1/60 the rest of the ram. They are all cooked together but the kohein’s portion doesn’t render the rest prohibited as per Numbers 6:19, “The kohein shall take the cooked foreleg from the ram.”