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Eduyos 5:2-3

Eduyos 5:2

Rabbi Yosi says that there are six areas in which Beis Shammai rule leniently and Beis Hillel rule stringently: Beis Shammai say that poultry may be served on the same table as cheese, though they may not be eaten together but Beis Hillel say it may neither be served on the same table nor eaten together. Beis Shammai say that one may take trumah from olives for olive oil and from grapes for wine but Beis Hillel do not permit this. If a person plants within the four cubits of a vineyard that must be left open, Beis Shammai say that one row is sanctified (and cannot be used) but Beis Hillel say that two rows are sanctified. Beis Shammai exempt boiled flour from challah (the portion of dough given to the kohanim) but Beis Hillel obligate it. Beis Shammai say that one may ritually immerse utensils in water cascading down a mountain but Beis Hillel do not permit this. If a convert converts on erev Pesach, Beis Shammai say that he may immerse and eat the korban Pesach that night but Beis Hillel say that separating from one’s foreskin is like separating from the dead (and one is ritually impure for seven days).

Eduyos 5:3

Rabbi Yishmael says there are three additional areas in which Beis Shammai rule leniently and Beis Hillel rule stringently: Beis Shammai say that the book of Koheles (Ecclesiastes) does not render the hands ritually unclean but Beis Hillel say that it does. Beis Shammai say that the ashes of the red heifer once used are ritually clean but Beis Hillel declares them unclean. Beis Shammai say that black cumin is not susceptible to ritually uncleanliness but Beis Hillel say that it is; they likewise disagree as to whether tithes must be taken from this spice.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz