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Eduyos 5:4-5

Eduyos 5:4

Rabbi Eliezer says there are two additional areas in which Beis Shammai rule leniently and Beis Hillel rule stringently. Regarding the blood of a woman who gave birth, and who ended her period of ritual uncleanliness but who did not yet immerse in a mikvah, Beis Shammai say it is like her spit and her urine (i.e., ritually unclean when wet and ritually clean when dry) but Beis Hillel say it is ritually unclean whether it is wet or dry. They agree regarding a zavah who gave birth that it it is ritually unclean whether wet or dry.

Eduyos 5:5

Let’s say there are four brothers, two of whom are married to two sisters, and those two brothers died. Their widows are subject to chalitzah (the shoe-removal ceremony) rather than yibum (levirate marriage). If the two surviving brothers married the widows, they are compelled to divorce them. Rabbi Eliezer says in the name of Beis Shammai that they may remain married but Beis Hillel requires them to divorce.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz