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Eduyos 7:4-5

Eduyos 7:4

Rabbi Tzadok testified that flowing waters that a person channeled through nut shells are fit (for immersion and for use in the red heifer ceremony, as above). This actually happened in a place called Ahaliya and the Sanhedrin permitted it.

Eduyos 7:5

Rabbi Yehoshua and Rabbi Yakim of Hadar testified that a clay jar containing the ashes of the red heifer that was placed on a creeping thing (sheretz) is ritually unclean, though Rabbi Eliezer says it is ritually clean. Rabbi Papias testified that if one committed to two terms as a nazir and he shaved for the first on the 30th day, then he shaves for second on the 60th day. If he shaved on the 59th day, he has fulfilled his obligation, because the 30th day is included in both nazir periods.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz