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Eduyos 7:2-3

Eduyos 7:2

Rabbi Tzadok testified that brine used to pickle prohibited grasshoppers is ritually clean. An earlier mishna taught that prohibited grasshoppers pickled together with permitted grasshoppers do not render the brine unkosher. (The Sages inferred from this that only the brine of mixed grasshoppers is permitted but the brine of prohibited grasshoppers is prohibited; Rabbi Zadok testified otherwise.)

Eduyos 7:3

Rabbi Tzadok testified that if flowing water in a channel exceeds dripping water (such as rain), then it is fit (for use as a mikvah vis-à-vis a zav and a metzora, or the water for the para adumah). This situation actually arose in a place called Biras Hapilya and the Sages permitted it.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz