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Eduyos 7:6-7

Eduyos 7:6

Rabbi Yehoshua and Rabbi Papias testified that the offspring of a peace offering is also brought as a peace offering. Rabbi Eliezer says that the offspring of a peace offering is not brought as a peace offering. The Sages say that it is sacrificed (i.e., we are not concerned that one might delay offering the mother until she gives birth). Rabbi Papias testified that they had a cow for a peace offering that they ate on Passover and they later ate its offspring as a peace offering (on Shavuos, or possibly Succos).

Eduyos 7:7

Rabbi Yehoshua and Rabbi Papias testified that the boards on which bakers arrange their loaves are susceptible to ritual uncleanliness, though Rabbi Eliezer declares them insusceptible. They testified that an oven that was cut into layers with sand between the layers is ritually unclean, though Rabbi Eliezer declares it clean. They testified that a year can be declared a leap year throughout the month of Adar because, previously, the Sages said that this was only permitted until Purim (which is 14 Adar). They also testified that a year may be conditionally declared a leap year. It once happened that Rabban Gamliel (the head of the Sanhedrin) went on a business trip to the governor of Syria and did not return in time to approve the leap year. The Sanhedrin therefore declared it to be a leap year on the condition that Rabban Gamliel would approve of it. When he returned, he approved it and the year was officially declared to be a leap year.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz