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Avos 2:8-9

Avos 2:8

Rabban Yochanan ben Zakkai received the Torah from Hillel and Shammai. He used to say not to give yourself credit if you’ve learned a lot of Torah because this is the purpose for which we were created. His students included Rabbi Eliezer ben Hurkanus, Rabbi Yehoshua ben Chananiah, Rabbi Yosi HaKohein, Rabbi Shimon ben Nesanel and Rabbi Elazar ben Arach. He used to describe Rabbi Eliezer as a plastered well that doesn’t lose a drop; regarding Rabbi Yehoshua, he said happy is the one who gave birth to him; Rabbi Yosi is pious, Rabbi Shimon possesses fear of sin and Rabbi Elazar is like an overflowing spring. Rabban Yochanan used to say that if all the Sages of Israel were on one side of a scale and Eliezer ben Hurkanus were on the other, he would outweigh all of them. Abba Shaul said in the name of Rabban Yochanan that if all the Sages of Israel including Rabbi Eliezer ben Hurkanus were on one side of a scale and Rabbi Elazar were on the other, Rabbi Elazar would outweigh all of them.

Avos 2:9

Rabban Yochanan told his students to go out and see what is the best thing for a person to acquire. Rabbi Eliezer said a good eye; Rabbi Yehoshua, a good friend; Rabbi Yosi, a good neighbor; Rabbi Shimon, foresight; Rabbi Elazar, a good heart. Rabban Yochanan preferred Rabbi Elazar’s answer because it includes all the others. He also told them to go out and see what is the worst thing that a person should avoid. Rabbi Eliezer said an evil eye; Rabbi Yehoshua, a bad friend; Rabbi Yosi, a bad neighbor; Rabbi Shimon said, a person who borrows and doesn’t repay, including not only those who borrow from people but also those who “borrow” from God, as per Psalms 37:21, “The evil person borrows and does not repay but the righteous one deals graciously and gives”; Rabbi Elazar said an evil heart. Rabban Yochanan again preferred Rabbi Elazar’s because it includes all the others’ answer as well.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz