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Avos 2:6-7

Avos 2:6

Hillel saw a skull floating on the surface of the water. He said to it, “You were drowned because you drowned others; ultimately, those who drowned you will be drowned.”

Avos 2:7

Hillel used to say that more bodily flesh one has just leads to more worms in the grave; more possessions just leads to more worry; more wives just leads to more sorcery (which was primarily a women’s activity); more maids just leads to more promiscuity; more servants just leads to more theft. Conversely, more Torah leads to more life; more study leads to more wisdom; more counsel leads to more understanding; more charity leads to more peace. One who acquires a good name acquires it all for himself; one who acquires words of Torah acquires life in the Next World.

Author: Rabbi Jack Abramowitz