2,381. The Minimum Measures of Forbidden Foods

Maachalos Assuros 10:24

The measure of forbidden food for which one is liable is the volume of an olive, whether we’re talking about lashes or kareis (excision). We already discussed the prohibition of eating leaven on Passover in Hilchos Chometz u’Matzah. The prohibition against eating on Yom Kippur is of a different nature (i.e., the person is forbidden to eat, not that the food is prohibited to be eaten). A nazir’s prohibition against grape products doesn’t apply equally to everyone. For all of these prohibitions, the measure for which one is liable and other laws are discussed in their proper places.

Maachalos Assuros 11:1

If wine was poured as a libation to an idol, it is prohibited for one to benefit from it. One who drinks even the smallest amount is liable to lashes under Biblical law. Similarly, one who eats even the smallest volume of something offered to an idol like meat or fruit – and even water or salt – deserves lashes as per Deuteronomy 32:38, “That the fat of their offerings they would eat; they would drink the wine of their libations….”