2,380. Juice From Prohibited Produce

Maachalos Assuros 10:22

Juice from produce that’s tevel, chadash, sanctified, of the Sabbatical year, kilayim or orlah is prohibited, though one isn’t liable to lashes for drinking it. The exceptions to this rule are wine and oil of orlah and wine of kilei hakerem, for which one is liable to lashes the same as one would be for the olives or grapes.

Maachalos Assuros 10:23

Other food prohibitions apply to sanctified things, all of Biblical origin. There are prohibitions against eating trumah, first fruits, challah and second tithe, as well as prohibitions about sacrifices sanctified on the altar. The latter include piggul (sacrifices offered with improper intention), nosar (sacrifices left beyond its prescribed time) and sacrifices that were rendered ritually unclean, all of which will IY”H be explained in their proper places.