2,379. Food From Which Only Trumah Was Taken

Maachalos Assuros 10:20

If one eats food from which trumah gedolah and trumas maaser have been taken but from which tithes have not been separated – even just the tithe for the needy – he deserves lashes for eating tevel rather than death. Only eating trumah gedolah and trumas maaser are sins deserving of a Divinely decreed death.

Maachalos Assuros 10:21

The warning not to eat tevel from which tithes were not taken is in Deuteronomy 12:17, “Do not eat the tithes of grain... in your gates.” In Hilchos Trumos and Hilchos Maasros we will be IY”H discuss which forms of produce must have trumah and tithes taken and which need not, plus when the obligation is Biblical and when it’s rabbinic. If a person eats an olive-sized portion of produce that’s tevel under rabbinic law, or if he eats kilei hakerem or orlah from outside of Israel, he is liable to stripes for acting rebelliously.