2,366. Meat Bread, Dairy Bread

Maachalos Assuros 9:22

We do not knead dough for bread with milk; if one did so, it’s prohibited lest one habituate himself to sin and eat it with meat. We don’t wipe an oven with animal fat; if one did so, any loaf baked in the oven is prohibited until the oven is fired. This is out of concern that one might eat that bread with milk. If one baked the bread in a special shape as a sign not to eat it with meat or with milk, then it’s permitted.

Maachalos Assuros 9:23

If bread was baked in the same oven with roasted meat, or if fish was roasted in the same oven with meat, they may not be eaten with milk. If meat was eaten from a dish and then fish were cooked in it, one may eat those fish with kutach (which is a dairy dip).