2,027. Animals and Beasts

Hilchos Issurei Biah 1:17

If a boy nine years old has relations with an animal or causes the animal to have relations with him, the animal is stoned but the boy isn’t liable. If he was under the age of nine, then the animal isn’t stoned. The same is true if a girl three years of age or older causes an animal or beast to have relations with her; regardless of the animal’s age, once the tip of the animal’s organ has been inserted “regularly” or “irregularly,” the animal is stoned and the girl isn’t liable. Once she has reached the age of majority, then both are stoned. If she was under the age of three, then the animal isn’t stoned, either.

Hilchos Issurei Biah 1:18

If a man or a woman engages in relations with an animal unwittingly, the animal isn’t stoned even though the person involved has reached the age of majority. When it comes to all the prohibited relationships, if one participant is an adult and the other is a minor, the minor isn’t liable and the adult is, as has already been addressed. If one participant is awake and the other is asleep, then the one who is sleeping isn’t liable. If one participant acted intentionally and the other acted unwittingly, the one who acted intentionally is liable while the one who acted unwittingly must bring an offering. If one participant was coerced and the other acted willingly, the one who was coerced isn’t liable as has already been discussed.