2,026. People of Indeterminate Gender

Hilchos Issurei Biah 1:15

A man is liable for “irregular” intercourse with a hermaphrodite just as one is for relations with another male; one who engages in “regular” intercourse with a hermaphrodite is not liable. A tumtum is a person of indeterminate gender; accordingly, one who has relations with a tumtum or “regular” intercourse with a hermaphrodite is given stripes for acting rebelliously. A hermaphrodite is permitted to marry a woman.

Hilchos Issurei Biah 1:16

If someone has relations with an animal or causes the animal to have relations with him, both the human and the animal are stoned to death as per Leviticus 18:23, “Do not lie down with any animal,” which prohibits both being the active and the passive participant. All animals, beasts and birds are stoned for this; the Torah didn’t make any differentiation regarding the animal’s age, “any animal” indicating a prohibition on the day of the animal’s birth. Whether a person engages in “regular” or “irregular” intercourse with an animal, as soon as he or the animal inserts the tip, they are both liable.