1,966. How Embarrassment is Calculated

Naarah Besulah 2:3

The fine is the same flat rate in all cases: whether one has relations with the daughter of the Kohein Gadol or with the daughter of a convert or a mamzer (colloquially a “bastard,” but not really), the fine is 50 pieces of silver. The amounts paid for embarrassment, damages and pain, however, are not uniform. Rather, these amounts are to be determined by the courts.

Naarah Besulah 2:4

When it comes to embarrassment, the fine depends on who the injured party is and who the offender is. Embarrassment suffered by a girl of good standing from a respectable family is not the same as the embarrassment suffered by a shameful girl. Similarly, embarrassment at the hands of an important person of lofty standing is not the same as embarrassment at the hands of a lowly and insignificant individual.