Siman - Berachos Daf 44

  • Fruits of Genosar

The Gemara wants to know an example of the Mishnah’s case where bread would be considered secondary (טפל) to a salty food which would be considered primary (עיקר). It answers that fruits of Genosar were extremely sweet and delicious that they needed to be eaten with salt. These fruits were so exceptional that when eaten with bread the fruits were considered primary  (עיקר) and the bread that was eaten with them was considered secondary (טפל) to them.

The Gemara describes how delicious they were:

-Rav Yochanan would eat vast quantities and swear that he had not satisfied his hunger.

-Reish Lakish would eat them until he became delirious and needed others to bring him home.

  • Different texts of beracha of מעין שלש

The Gemara discusses the text of the berachah of מעין שלש when recited on fruits of the שבעת המינים.

-In Eretz Yisroel the conclusion of the berachah for fruits is פירותיה על.

-In the Diaspora the berachah concludes with על הפרות.

  • בורא נפשות

The Gemara discusses which foods require a Borei Nefashos as an after-berachah:

-Rav Yitzchak bar Avdimi said in the name of Rav: On eggs and meat but not on vegetables.

-Rebbe Yitzchak: Even on vegetables but not on water.

-Rav Pappa: Even on drinking water.