1,680. Das Moshe and Das Yehudis

Hilchos Ishus 24:11

The following violate das Moshe (“the religion of Moses”): going out in public with uncovered hair; taking vows or oaths but not keeping them; engaging in marital relations in a state of niddah; not separating challah or feeding her husband prohibited foods. This obviously includes prohibited creeping creatures and animals that were not properly slaughtered but it also applies even to untithed produce. These last items are discovered by the husband as follows: let’s say that this woman claims that a certain kohein tithed produce for her or separated challah for her, or that a certain rabbi ruled that a stain doesn’t make her a niddah and then, after eating the food or engaging in marital relations, the husband asks the person in question and he denies that the event ever took place. The same is true if she behaved publicly in the local manner of menstruant women but told her husband that she wasn’t a niddah, leading him to engage in marital relations with her.

Hilchos Ishus 24:12

Das Yehudis (“the religion of Jewish women”) refers to the standards of modesty accepted by Jewish women. Violations include: going to the market or an alley that is open at both ends with her head only partially covered, such as if she only has a bandana and not the full head covering accepted by women; spinning textiles with a rose on her face, which was an immodest non-Jewish practice; spinning textiles in public, which reveals her arms to men; behaving frivolously with young men; demanding marital intimacy from her husband so loudly that the neighbors can hear; cursing her husband’s father in front of her husband.