1,679. What the Husband Must/Need Not Reimburse

Hilchos Ishus 24:9

If a woman dissolves a marriage through mi’un (refusal), she is not entitled to be reimbursed for any property that was destroyed. Nothing is seized from the husband to pay for what was lost or stolen, neither from melug property nor “iron sheep” property. Rather, she takes whatever remains and leaves.

Hilchos Ishus 24:10

If a woman committed adultery, she is not entitled to receive the value of her kesubah - neither the baseline amount nor the additional sum. Similarly, her husband is not responsible for any “iron sheep” property that was lost or stolen, and it goes without saying that the same applies to melug property. This is true not only of one who commits adultery but also of a woman who transgresses das Moshe or das Yehudis*, or one who is divorced because of a bad reputation. These women are not entitled to the value of their kesubahs - not the baseline amount, not the additional sum, and not any of the conditions of the kesubah. Each of these women should just take what remains from her dowry and leave. Her husband is not responsible to pay, neither for loss nor for depreciation.

*Das Moshe and das Yehudis are defined in the next halacha.