Siman - Berachos Daf 24

  • Husband and wife reciting Krias Shema in bed

A husband and wife sleeping in the same bed can recite Krias Shema as long as they are turned away from each other and face in opposite directions.

  • Ervah

The Gemara identifies those parts/aspects of a woman that are considered ervah (nakedness), which, when within view or earshot of a man, halachically prevent him from reciting Shema, saying berachos, learning Torah, etc. Included in the list are:

- A tefach of exposed skin that is normally covered (including one’s wife)

-Thigh – שוק

-[Singing] Voice – קול

-Hair - שעיר

  •  Improper behaviors during tefillah

The Gemara lists various improper behaviors during tefillah, such as davening audibly, belching, yawning, sneezing and spitting.