Siman - Berachos Daf 14

  • Interruptions during Hallel and Megillah

In context of the discussion regarding initiating or responding to a greeting during Krias Shema, the Gemara concludes that the same halachos of interruptions do not apply to the reciting of Hallel or the Megilla since they are only rabbinic.

  • The third parsha of Krias Shema in Eretz Yisroel

The minhag In Eretz Yisroel was to abbreviate the third parsha of Shema and only recite:

“דבר אל בני ישראל ואמרת אליהם אני ה' אלקיכם אמת” – “Speak to the children of Israel and say to them: I am Hashem your G-d – it is true.”

They would then recite a small paragraph mentioning yetzios mitzrayim.

  • The order of the three parshios of Shema

R’ Shimon bar Yochai offers  an explanation for the for the order of the parshios of Shema in addition to R’ Yehoshua ben Korcha’s reason in the Mishna:

שמע – includes in the paragraph the mitvos of learning Torah, teaching Torah and doing mitzvos

והיה אם שמוע – only includes in the paragraph the mitzvos of to teach and to do mitzvos

ויאמר – only includes in the paragraph the mitzva of doing mitzvos