Siman - Berachos Daf 13

  • Don't call Avraham Avram

Bar Kappara taught that one who calls Avraham by the name Avram transgresses a מצות עשה whereas Rebbe Eliezer says he transgresses a מצות לא תעשה.

  • Kavana for Krias Shema

The various opinions regarding how much of Krias Shema requires kavana:

a)The first passuk of שמע

b)The first three pesukim up to and including על לבבך

c)The first parsha

d)The first two parshios

  • Prolonging Echad

Anyone who prolongs the pronunciation of the word “Echad” (one) will have his days and years prolonged. R’ Chiya taught it is long enough if one mentally acknowledges Hashem’s malchus (kingship) in heaven, earth and the over the four directions of the skies.