1,662. Who is Entitled to Money From Legal Penalties?

Hilchos Ishus 22:28

If a calf that was born from “melug” cattle should be stolen and the thief caught, the woman is entitled to the double amount that he must pay; this penalty is not among the benefits that the Sages granted husbands. If a man should happen to injure his wife, his entire fine, including damages, pain and embarrassment, belongs to her; he is not entitled to any proceeds that it might generate as we will see IY”H in Hilchos Choveil (the laws of damages).

Hilchos Ishus 22:29

Let’s say that a man sells real estate to his wife. If he already knew about the money that she used to buy the land, then the sale is binding and he is entitled to proceeds that the property might generate. If the money she used was hidden from him, she does not acquire the land. This is because the husband can claim that the sale was a ruse to expose his wife’s hidden cache. In this case, the money that was concealed and subsequently revealed should be used to purchase real estate from which the husband is then entitled to proceeds that it generates.