1,621. The Disposal of the Extra Amount and the Nedunya

Hilchos Ishus 18:28

The laws about the extra amount added to the kesubah by the husband are the same as those for the baseline amount. Therefore, if a widow demands payment of the extra amount, or if she sells the rights to it, waives it or uses it as collateral along with the baseline amount of the kesubah, she is not entitled to receive maintenance. If she demanded payment for part of it but not the other part, then it’s like she demanded payment for part of her kesubah but not for another part. Whenever a woman sells or waives her kesubah without specifying, she is assumed to have sold or waived the additional amount along with the baseline amount. This is because the word “kesubah” is universally understood to refer to both of these things.

Hilchos Ishus 19:1

One of the conditions of a kesubah is that the woman’s sons will inherit the money owed her by the kesubah and the nedunya that she brought into the marriage as “iron sheep” property (i.e., property for which the husband assumed responsibility; refer back to halacha 16:1). After this has been done, these sons divide the rest of the estate equally with their brothers.