1,582. Nedunya

Hilchos Ishus 15:20

The Sages said that a woman should honor her husband and defer to him. She should perform her duties according to his directions as one would an officer. She should follow his lead and avoid things that he hates. The preceding few halachos outline the practices of pious men and women, designed to make their marriages more harmonious.

Hilchos Ishus 16:1

The property that a woman brings into a marriage, whether it’s real estate, movable goods or household servants, is not called part of the kesubah. It is referred to as “nedunya.” If the husband accepts responsibility for the nedunya, it is considered his property, so he enjoys any increase in value and he suffers any loss. Such property is referred to as “iron sheep” property. If the husband does not accept responsibility for the nedunya, it remains the property of the woman, so she enjoys any profit and suffers any loss. Such property is referred to as “melug” property.