1,612. Seizing Movable Property

Hilchos Ishus 18:10

If a widow seizes movable property to pay for her maintenance, it is not taken away from her regardless of whether she took possession of it during her husband's life or after his death. Even if she takes a talent of gold, it is not taken from her. Rather, the court records what she has taken and calculates the amount she should be given as maintenance. She is then permitted to draw her maintenance from that movable property until she dies or is no longer entitled to receive maintenance. When that happens, the husband’s heirs are given what’s left.

Hilchos Ishus 18:11

Similarly, if the woman took possession of movable property during her husband's lifetime to pay the value of her kesubah, she can collect from it as a widow. However, if she took movable property after her husband died to pay her kesubah, she may not collect from it (i.e., it must be returned to the heirs).