1,611. A Widow's "Nedunya"

Hilchos Ishus 18:8

An ownerless object found by a widow and the profit generated by property that she brought into the marriage belong to her. The heirs have no claim on these.

Hilchos Ishus 18:9

The property that a woman brought into the marriage as “nedunya” may be taken by her without taking an oath. Her husband's heirs have no claim on it except for profits to “iron sheep” property that accrued in her husband's lifetime because this profit belonged to the husband. If a widow dies without taking the oath required to claim her kesubah, her heirs nevertheless inherit her nedunya, even if it is “iron sheep” property. If it increased in value, however, the profit belongs to her husband's heirs. (See halacha 16:1 for more about "nedunya" and "iron sheep" property.)