169. Kaddish for Relatives Other than Parents

26:19 If there is no one in mourning for a parent in shul, Kaddish should be recited by someone who has lost his parents on behalf of all the Jewish deceased. In some communities, the practice is that other relatives say Kaddish for the deceased if there is no one mourning a parent present. Even if there are present mourners who lost parents, there may be some people who wish to say Kaddish for grandparents who had no sons, or for their offspring who died without leaving any sons. In such a case, the other mourners should permit this person to say one Kaddish after they have each said one. In some communities, the practice is for other relatives to say Kaddish even when there are people mourning a parent present. In such a case, they do not say as many Kaddishes as those mourning a parent, though one must follow local customs in these matters.

26:20 A daughter should not say Kaddish in shul, though some authorities allow her to convene a minyan in order to say Kaddish in her home. Other authorities diasagree and do not permit this.