1,606. Selling a Kesubah, or Part of It

Hilchos Ishus 17:17

A woman has the right to sell her kesubah or to give it as a gift. If her husband dies or divorces her, the new holder of the kesubah can come and collect it. If the woman dies in her husband’s lifetime, or after his death, but before taking the oath required of widows, then the holder of the kesubah is not entitled to anything.

Hilchos Ishus 17:18

Even if a woman sold part of her kesubah, used it as collateral, or gave it as a gift, she can still sell her husband’s real estate in order to collect the balance. She can repeatedly sell parcels of her husband's land either in a court of three experts or with three trustworthy lay people who are proficient in the appraisal of real estate.