1,605. Selling Property for More or Less Than Its Value

Hilchos Ishus 17:15

If a woman's kesubah was for 200 zuz, and she sold property worth 100 zuz for 200, or property worth 200 zuz for 100, she is considered to have been paid the value of her kesubah and is not owed anything else. She must still take the oath that is required of widows. If her kesubah was for 100 zuz and she sold property worth 101 zuz for 100, the sale is voided even if she agrees to pay the extra dinar back to the heirs.

Hilchos Ishus 17:16

Let’s say that a woman’s kesubah was for 400 zuz and she sold four pieces of property to pay it. Three of these were worth 100 zuz each and they sold for 100 zuz each; the fourth was worth 101 zuz and it sold for 100. In this case, that fourth sale is voided but the others are binding.