1,499. Must Garments Be Appraised?

Hilchos Ishus 7:18

Let’s say that a man tells a woman, “You are consecrated to me through these garments that are worth 50 dinar.” If they are of silk or some other desirable material, and if they are in fact worth 50 dinar, then marriage is effected as of the time she took them. There is no need to have them appraised, only effecting marriage when she confirms their value. Rather, since they are worth what he said, marriage is effected as of the time of the transaction. If they are not worth 50 dinar, then marriage is not effected.

Hilchos Ishus 7:19

Let’s say that a man and a woman were talking about marriage. He says, “I will consecrate you through 100 dinar” and she says, “I won’t be consecrated for less than 200 dinar.” They’re at an impasse so they return to their respective homes. Later, the man consecrates the woman without specifying an amount. If the man made the overture to reconsider, we assume he has accepted the higher amount she previously demanded; if the woman made the overture to reconsider, we assume she has accepted the lower amount he previously offered.