1,465. Kiddushin Worth Less Than a Prutah

Hilchos Ishus 4:19

If a man gives money worth less than the value of a prutah as kiddushin, marriage is not effected. If he gives her food or a utensil that is worth less than a prutah, there is a doubt as to whether or not marriage is effected because the kiddushin might be worth a prutah somewhere else. From this we see that when a man consecrates a woman with an object that is worth money, if it is worth a prutah in their location, marriage is definitely effected; if it is not worth a prutah where they are, then there is a doubt. The Rambam further infers that if a man consecrates a woman with cooked food, a perishable vegetable or similar things that are not worth a prutah in their locale, then marriage is not effected because the object will spoil before it can reach a different locale, rendering it worthless.

Hilchos Ishus 4:20

If a man consecrates a woman with less than the value of a prutah, or if he consecrates two women with one prutah, then marriage is not effected. This is true even if he subsequently sends her gifts that are more valuable. Similarly, if a minor boy consecrates a woman, marriage is not effected even if he sends additinal gifts after he reaches the age of majority. Such gifts are only sent because of the kiddushin he previously gave her, which was ineffective.