Lessons in Leadership from Parshat Korach

ויקח קרח

The word ויקח implies taking by force (as opposed to the word ויאסף).

This is our first significant encounter with Datan and Aviram but we do know from the verses itself that they constantly challenge authority.

Moshe is challenged on three things - 1) his giving the kehuna to Aharon (Korach's complaint), leadership (Datan and Aviram), and the rights of the firstborn (On ben Pelet who was from Reuven).

What is the rest of the nation doing while the episode of Korach is occuring? Are they sitting on the side enjoying the fight or are they actively standing up for Moshe?

Do Korach and those challenging Moshe have a specific cause or are they simply against Moshe?

Delivered at the OU Israel Center, June 27th, 2019 (24 Sivan 5779)