1,460. A Cheiresh and a Cheireshes

Hilchos Ishus 4:9

If a man with congenital deafness marries a woman with all her faculties, or vice versa, marriage is not effected under Biblical law, but rather by rabbinic enactment. Therefore, if a man with all his faculties consecrates a woman with all her faculties who is the wife of a man with congenital deafness, she is consecrated to him. He must therefore give her a get and she is permitted to remain with her congenitally-deaf husband. However, if a man lacking mental competence consecrates a woman who is mentally competent, or a man who is mentally competent consecrates a woman lacking mental competence, marriage is not effected at all, neither under Biblical law nor by rabbinic enactment.

Hilchos Ishus 4:10

If an infertile man – whether he was born that way or made that way – consecrates a woman, or if a man consecrates a congenitally-infertile woman, the marriage is wholly effected.