1,424. A Traveler on Chanukah

Hilchos Megillah v’Chanukah 4:10

If a courtyard has multiple entrances facing different directions, a menorah must be placed at each of them. If a menorah was placed at only one entrance, pedestrians who passed by from other directions might think that the residents didn’t light a menorah. However, if there is more than one entrance on the same side of the courtyard, then only one of them requires a menorah.

Hilchos Megillah v’Chanukah 4:11

Let’s say that someone is a guest in another person’s home. In such a case, the guest’s family lights the menorah for him at his own home and he does not light in the home he is visiting. If he has no one lighting for him at home, then he must light in the place he is visiting. Such a guest contributes towards the oil used by his host. If he is staying somewhere by himself, then he must light a menorah even if others are lighting for him at home. This is out of concern that passersby, seeing no menorah, may assume that he didn’t light.