1,423. Lighting Inside; Who May Light

Hilchos Megillah v’Chanukah 4:8

In times of religious persecution, one may keep his menorah inside the house. Even lighting on one’s table is sufficient in such a situation. In such a case, there must be another lamp burning in the house to provide light for one’s personal needs. If there’s a fire burning, then an additional lamp is not necessary. A prominent person, who would not normally make use of the fire’s light, must use an additional lamp.

Hilchos Megillah v’Chanukah 4:9

If a menorah was lit by a person with congenital deafness, a person lacking mental competence, a minor or a non-Jew, it is ineffective. A menorah must be lit by someone who is obligated in the mitzvah. If a menorah was lit inside, then taken outside and placed at the entrance to the house while still burning, it is ineffective; a menorah must be lit in its place. If a person holds a lit candle and stands in place, it is ineffective because people will just assume that he is standing there for his own reasons. If a lamp burned all day long, one may extinguish it, recite the brachos for the menorah and relight it. Lighting the menorah is what fulfills the mitzvah, not placing it down. One is permitted to light a Chanukah candle from another Chanukah candle.