637. Keilim Shemelachtam l'Heter

88:8 A utensil whose function is permitted (kli shemelachto l'heter) on Shabbos - or even one that has both forbidden and permitted functions, like pots used for cooking (and then storing the food that was cooked in them - Mishnah Brurah 308:20) - may be handled on Shabbos. Even utensils that were set aside for Shabbos because they are repulsive may be handled even if one's purpose is only to keep the utensil from being stolen or broken; if one has no reason whatsoever to handle such things, then it is prohibited. Holy books and food (and eating utensils - MB 308:23) may be handled on Shabbos even for no reason at all.

88:9 Just as we may not handle items that are muktzeh or nolad on Shabbos (refer back to 88:4 for nolad), one may likewise not put a vessel under these items so that they should fall into it. This is because the vessel becomes annulled by the muktzeh or nolad so that one may no longer handle it; it's as if one cemented the vessel in place. One may, however, overturn a basket in front of chicks for them to climb on because when they get off of it, one may handle it. If the chicks were on the basket at twilight on Friday, then the basket may not be handled all Shabbos.