636. Muktzeh Machmas Chisaron Kis

88:6  Muktzeh due to the possibility of financial loss ("muktzeh machmas chisaron kis") refers to items that a person consciously chooses  not to use because of the possibility that they might get damaged. Examples include professional tools, the knife used to sharpen a quill pen, the knife used for ritual slaughter, and the knife used for circumcision. Similarly, paper that is designated to be used for such things as promissory notes, account ledgers and letters, valuable items that are not in use, and anything that one takes care of by putting it in a special place and not using it. Similarly, merchandise in a shop that is ready to be sold - even otherwise-permitted objects like dishes and cutlery - would be considered muktzeh if the merchant does not normally lend them prior to sale; if he sometimes does lend them out, they would not be considered muktzeh. These and similar objects, as well as a wallet or purse used to hold money, are muktzeh machmas chisaron kis and may not be handled, not even to use them for a permitted purpose or to use the space they occupy.

88:7 An object that isn't a utensil at all, like wood, rocks, pieces of metal, etc., may not be handled at all, not even to use them for a permitted purpose or to use the space they occupy, unless one designated them before Shabbos for a particular, permanent use. (If he uses the item for this purpose during the week, that is sufficient without specially designating it - Mishnah Brurah 308:93.) One may therefore not take a chip of wood to pick his teeth. Broken candles are also not considered utensils and may not be handled at all. Similarly, the ladder used to climb to the attic (which is larger than a regular household ladder - MB 308:78) is not considered a utensil (and may not be moved - OC 308:19).