1,384. Prayer for Fasts in Jerusalem

Hilchos Taaniyos 4:14

For the seventh bracha, the shaliach tzibbur begins, “Refa’einu…” (“Heal us…”) and concludes Shemoneh Esrei as per usual, after which the trumpets are blown. This is the order of these prayers in all locations.

Hilchos Taaniyos 4:15

When reciting this series of brachos in Jerusalem, the people would gather on the Temple Mount in front of the eastern gate. When the shaliach tzibbur reached the section of “the One Who answered Abraham,” he would say, “Blessed are You, Hashem our God, God of Israel, for all eternity. Blessed are You, Hashem, Who redeems Israel.” The people would respond, “Blessed be the Name of He Whose glorious kingdom is forever and ever.” The gabbai would tell those who would blow the trumpets, “Blow a tekiah, kohanim, blow a tekiah.” The one leading the service would repeat “May the One Who answered our father Abraham on Mount Moriah answer you and hear the sound of your cry today.” The kohanim would then blow a tekiah, a series of teruos and another tekiah.