1,346. What Difference Does the Visibility in Other Lands Make?

Hilchos Kiddush HaChodesh 18:16

Everything we said in the previous chapter about lands west and east of Israel only applies to those that share the same latitude as Israel, which is 30-35 degrees north. If other lands are more or less north than Israel, then different rules apply. Regarding cities that lie east or west of Israel, the previous statements regarding the visibility of the moon are only intended to clarify the laws in order to increase the greatness and honor of the Torah. There is no practical application for those who live east or west of Israel; whether or not they witness the moon is of no consequence at all. We only rely on the sanctification of the court in Israel, as has been thoroughly explained.

Hilchos Kiddush HaChodesh 19:1

Since one of the questions posed by the court to the witnesses of the moon was regarding the direction in which the moon was inclined, it’s appropriate to explain how this detail is calculated. The following calculations are not exact because this detail is of no matter when it comes to the moon’s visibility. To begin these calculations, one must first know the degree to which the constellations are inclined.