Humanity’s Challenges: Bereshit Until Today (part 5)

After God tells Kayin about his sin he says גדול עווני מנשוא. Was it said rhetorically? Ramban says Kayin told God - You created everything, can't you handle my sin? Is this comparable to Chana who said "Hashem you can do anything so please give me a child"?

Rav Shimshon Raphael Hirsch says that Kayin realizes that he sinned to himself not to his brother. Thus, his Teshuva, the first one on Earth, is self-centered. Though it may sound negative, caring about oneself  is a good starting point. This balance of caring for others and caring for oneself was Kayin's challenge and continues to be our challenge until today.

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Delivered at the OU Israel Center, January 17th, 2019 (11 Shevat 5779)