Shemos 5779

Why does the Torah say הבאים מצרימה - in the present tense - they were already there? It seems like the Pharaoh's biggest fear is that the Jews will leave, if he's afraid of them why would that be his biggest fear?

Seforno: Plan A was for Bnei Yisrael to leave and therefore they first tried to overtax them. After that didn't work Pharaoh resorted to enslavement so that they couldn't leave.

Is there a common denominator between the different time we remove shoes (the Beit HaMikdash, mourning, Tisha B'Av, and Yom Kippur)?

What kind of Divine relationship does the name אהיה אשר אהיה imply? Why is Hashem being with the Jewish people in subsequent exiles relevant now?

Why does Moshe talk to "פרעה" whereas the elders go to the "מלך מצרים"?