Tefillah Tips - Birchot HaShachar IX

The final blessing of Birchat Hashachar is "Hamaavir shayna me'eynay utnuma me'afapay"-I thank G-d who removes sleep from my eyes and slumber from my eyelids. An all encompassing prayer, "Yehi Ratzon," which contains the eternal aspirations of every Jew, immediately follows this blessing. In it we request the privilege of being steeped in Torah and connected to Mitzvot. We beseech G-d to help us escape any negative influences and to pursue intrinsic goodness in life. The supplication concludes "Hagomel Chasadim Tovim Leamo Yisrael"-we thank you G-d who bestows good and genuine kindness to his people-Israel.

"Removing sleep from my eyes and slumber from my eyelids" would seemingly be more appropriate at the beginning of the Birchat Hashachar. In addition, how is this blessing different than "Pokayach Ivrim"- He who gives sight to the blind?

Rav Schwab zt'l explains that this blessing along with the previous three relates to the people of Israel as a whole. As we conclude our morning blessings we appreciate our unique role as a nation defined by the Torah. We reflect upon the fact that G-d has awarded us a Torah to learn and to live by. By giving it to us, Hashem has awakened us out of an otherwise deep slumber. -"Hamaavir shayna me'eynay utnuma me'afapay".

The Siddur Hagra discusses the reason why the fifteen blessings are juxtaposed to the prayer-Yehi Ratzon. The morning blessings seem to be an entity unto itself. Why would the sages see fit to attach them to another prayer?

His answer is based on the principle- "the success of your day is influenced by the strength of its start". Therefore the moment we finish expressing blessings and praises to G-d for the ability to rise and prepare ourselves for our daily responsibilities, we immediately dedicate ourselves to fulfilling His Torah. By beginning the Yehi Ratzon with alacrity, we affirm the depth of our commitment as well as create a positive and determined start of the day.

The prayer concludes "Hagomel Chasadim Tovim...." G-d bestows good kindness to the people of Israel. What is implied by good kindness? Is there any other kindness besides good kindness?

Sometimes when people are kind to one another there may be underlying motives generating the kindness. I owe a favor, I need a favor... The omnipotent Creator of the universe needs favors from no one. Therefore the kindness he bestows upon us is good kindness-Hagomel Chasadim Tovim Leamo Yisrael.