Tefillah Tips - Leolam Yehay Adam

After the recitation of the morning blessings there is a short prayer that serves as an introduction to the first saying of Shema Yisroel in the morning called Leolam Yehay Adam. It is quite a beautiful prayer that calls upon us to understand and achieve genuine truth through fear of heaven.

The tefilla begins "Leolam Yehay Adam Yareh Shamayim Basayter UVagaluy - forever be in awe of G-d when it comes to the hidden as well as to the revealed."

It is important to analyze the implications of these words. What is meant by the hidden and revealed?

At first glance we can understand the prayer to be focusing on people and their whereabouts. Our behavior needs to be exemplary both in the public and in the private domains. The same Torah applies to the board room, the dining room, and the Kiddush room (not to mention the sanctuary). Unfortunately double standards are sometimes employed. The same person who shuckles 75 miles an hour at the minyan must also be careful how he/she speaks at the office.

Another approach to understanding Basayter UVagaluy- hidden and revealed is not referring to where a person is, but rather to different types of behavior . The Eitz Yosef explains that it may seem most appropriate to focus and achieve spirituality when praying and studying Torah, but there is plenty of holiness available in the more physical acts of life as well. Our task in life is to raise the physical-as Rav Zadok explains the blessing "Hamotzi Lechem Min Haaretz - to raise up the bread from the earth." Whether the spiritual beauty is latent or overt, hidden or revealed our task is to uncover it in everything we do.

May we actualize this prayer to the fullest and strive for excellence in all aspects of our lives.