Tefillah Tips - Ashrei XVII

"Eynay Chol Eylecha Yisabayru Veata Notain Lahem Et Achlam Beiyto - The eyes of all hope to you , and You give them their food in it's time."

The Talmud Ketubot 67B states that grammatically the verse should read Beiytam - in their appropriate time and not in it's (singular vs. plural). The verse is written specifically this way to point out that not only does Hashem provide sustenance, but He provides the right amount at the right time to every living being that is in need. Some creatures eat at night; others in the day, still others only drink liquids, etc., G-d's creation sustains all needs.

Rav Miller zt"l points out the relationship between the first phrase, Eynay Chol Eylecha Yisabayru - The eyes of all hope to you and the latter one, Veata Notain Lahem Et Achlam Beiyto - and You give them their food in it's time. Sustenance in G-d's world has always been offered in a way that one can hope for it. The Torah teaches us that Manna was provided as daily portions one day at a time. Why wasn't the supply for the whole month given at once? The reason is so that Bnei Yisroel could and would hope for it, pray for it, and be reminded exactly where it comes from {Hashem}.

Nowadays too, food only remains good a given amount of time before it spoils. Whether it is fruit, dairy, meat.. etc. it all has limited shelf-life before it becomes inedible. This too is like the Manna of the Torah to remind us that we must hope and pray for our food and realize that from G-d comes all food and blessings.

May we all merit G-d's continued blessings, at all times, and see soon the complete comforting of Zion and the rebuilding of Jerusalem.