Tefillah Tips - Halleluy-ah Halleli Nafshi II - (Good Ideas)

Oseh Shamayim Vaaretz et Hayam Ve’et Kol Asher Bam Hashomer Emet Leolam-G-d is the maker of heaven and earth, the sea and all of it’s contents-who safeguards truth forever.

The interesting juxtaposition between G-d’s creating the heaven and earth and G-d’s safeguarding truth in this verse indicates that as long as there is a heaven above and an earth for us to walk on, G-d’s truth exists.

What is G-d’s truth? The Torah and all of it’s teachings – it’s rewards and it’s responsibilities, it’s morals and it’s lessons – every last word, letter and vowel rings true – FOREVER.

Over the last five thousand years, plenty of good ideas have been brought to the table. There have been sages and elders and philosophers……… that have all tried to advance civilization for mankind. Many have succeeded, many more have not –but practically every innovation eventually became dated.

In all spheres of life –from technology to photography, from music to physics from sociology to the arts – everything has it’s time and eventually fades.

There is only one set of ideas that have lasted throughout the millennia and have outlived billions of her deniers – that is G-d’s Torah and her truth(s).

The next time the Torah is taken out of the ark and we rise in her honor, let’s recognize the forever that exists in the letters on the parchment. The Jewish people have been provided with all of the questions and the answers – Tah Shema- Just Come and Listen.

Shabbat Shalom. Rabbi Ephraim Epstein