Tefillah Tips - Halleluy-ah Halleli Nafshi III - (Seeing Under The Radar)

Oseh Mishpat Laashukim, Noseyn Lechem Lareayvim, Hashem Matir Assurim – He provides justice to the exploited, gives bread to the hungry and releases those that are held captive.

It is a fact of life that we can only deal with what we see – if we do not know about something it is impossible to address. The government deals with the most outspoken lobbyists, the teachers deal with the most vocal students and the parents address the loudest child. This is a problem because the roots of difficulty and the problems that exist beneath the surface may never be addressed.

Hashem runs the world with divine wisdom. In the times of the Moshiach, it will be evident how G-d not only provides justice to the exploited that may have been vocal, but gives bread to the hungry as well. The hungry are too weak to complain and cannot make a case for themselves as well as the exploited. G-d also redeems the captives – the captives that we know about being held by enemy terrorists and the captives that we do not even know exist – they are literally under the radar screen.

This is a great lesson in parenting, teaching and all group relationships. Unlike the western saying, The squeaky wheel gets the grease; children and people are more complex than wagon wheels. Sometimes it is the shyest kid in the class that requires the most attention. Often it is the less outgoing child that truly needs doting over. Just because a person makes less noise does not mean they need less love - often they need more.

Mah Hu Rachum Af Atoh Rachum – Just as G-d is merciful, so should we be merciful….. May we merit understanding the needs of our children, students, family and friends to support, nourish and strengthen one another to the fullest.

Shabbat Shalom. Rabbi Ephraim Epstein

Shabbat Shalom. Rabbi Ephraim Epstein