Tefillah Tips - Hallelukah Ki Tov – 4

YOU ARE ALL STARS Moneh Mispar Lakoachavim Lechulam Sheimot Yikrah – He who counts the number of the stars, has also given them names.

As we mentioned earlier, this psalm reflects and foreshadows the time period in history entitled The Dawn of Messianic Times. Therefore, it contains a healing and nurturing of our nation that has been challenged throughout the millennia in the exile.

This verse takes note of the vastness of G-d’s universe; and how none of it is unnoticed by our Creator – He who counts the number of the stars, has also given them names. Not only is G-d aware and knowledgeable of the seemingly infinite number of stars in the galaxies, He has a special name for every star.

The commentators remind us that we, the Jewish people are also likened to stars. In Genesis 15:5 - Hashem shows the stars to Abraham and says that our nation will be as many and as bright as the stars. The implication here is that in the times of Messiah any and every Jew that has survived the exile will be a shining star. In society, not everyone makes the front pages of the newspaper. Not every good deed is noticed by the world. Not so, says King David - He, who counts the number of the stars, has also given them names. Everyone counts and everyone matters. Whether he sits in the front row at shul or the back row, whether she did high profile kindness or private caring kindness – every one of those deeds, every one of those people will be named and rewarded.

as it says in Avot – Ethic of our Fathers – Ayin Roah Veozen Shomaat – There is an eye that sees and an ear that listens – in our modern world they say, No good deed goes unpunished, in Torah we say all good deeds are remembered and will be rewarded at the right time.

Shabbat Shalom.

Rabbi Ephraim Epstein