Tefillah Tips - Hallelukah Ki Tov – 5

Meoded Anavim Hashem Mashpil Reshaim Adey Aretz – Hashem encourages the humble, and lowers the wicked to the earth.

As opposed to human beings that achieve power and are prone to forget the powerless in society, G-d takes care of, encourages and strengthens the lowly and humble of the world.

There are two messages in this verse 1) for this world 2) for the world to come

In this world

1. Wealth is a double edged sword. Wealth can be a blessing- we must recognize that it is only though the love, grace and encouragement from above that wealth is achieved. Underneath a wealthy exterior resides a humble soul that has been awarded wealth. Wealth can also be a challenge and an obstacle. Many a person has suffered mentally and physically because the burden of wealth.

In the World To Come

2. A believer knows that the ultimate rewards and punishments of our actions in this world will be in the World To Come. It is there that true justice will reign and all accounts will be settled. It is there that Hashem ultimately encourages the humble, and lowers the wicked down to the earth.

Shabbat Shalom Rabbi Ephraim Epstein