Tefillah Tips - Az Yashir XIV

"Ki Bah Sus Verochvo Uveparashav Bayam Vayashav Hashem Aleyhem et May Hayam Ubnei Yisrael Halchu Bayabashah Betoch Hayam - When Pharaoh's cavalry came with his chariots and horsemen into the sea and Hashem turned back the waters of the sea upon them, The children of Israel walked on dry land amidst the sea."

Rav Miller zt"l points out just how incredible it was that in the split part of the sea there was no trace of the water on both sides. The ground was as dry as the sandy beaches found on dry land.

The Ibn Ezra provides insight into the otherwise confusing statement, "The children of Israel walked on dry land amidst the sea." How could it be? Was it dry land or was it the depths of the sea? How could it be both?! He writes that to understand the verse we need to visualize the final moments of the crossing. The final set of Egyptians entered the bed of dry sea land before the last Jews crossed through. Therefore G-d caused the waters to return only in the Egyptian crossing area and not where the Israelites still remained. Therefore "Yisrael Halchu Bayabashah Betoch Hayam, -The children of Israel walked on dry land amidst the sea."

The lesson to be learned is to see and appreciate the multitude of blessings we enjoy. Life is a 40 ring circus and we can only pay attention to one or two things at a time. When we take a better look at a bigger picture of our lives we will notice and enjoy the treasures and gifts of life that we have been afforded by G-d. In the Haggadah we recite that there were dozens and dozens of miracles that took place at the Red Sea but they could not all be noticed at once. So too in our lives through prayer, analysis and introspection we can view and appreciate the joy and beauty in our lives.