Tefillah Tips - Az Yashir XV

"Ki Lahashem Hamelucha Umoshel Bagoyim - For sovereignty Is Hashem's and He rules over nations"

At the conclusion of Az Yashir, several verses reflecting the future messianic era are included. The 1st is from Tehillim 22:29. This psalm is also quoted extensively in the Talmud Tractate Megillah because in it is found the cries of Esther, the obligations of reading the Megillah and the message of redemption from darkness to light, from oppression to freedom. Therefore, we read "Ki Lahashem Hamelucha Umoshel Bagoyim - For sovereignty Is Hashem's and He rules over nations."

In Breishit and the story of Joseph, the Vilna Gaon explains the difference between a Melech-king and a Moshail-Ruler. He states that a Melech represents the people; he is the heart of the people and does not rule against their will. A Moshail-Ruler is a monarch that rules over his subjects.

This verse states that there will come a time in the process of redemption that G-d will openly rule all Jews as a beloved King; and other nations that have not accepted Hashem as King will be ruled over against their will. In the merit of our prayers each day may we soon see all the prophecies of redemption realized. May we enjoy peace and truth in our world that will recognize that "Ki Lahashem Hamelucha - For sovereignty Is Hashem's."